- 第1页:单选题及答案
- 第2页:多选题及答案
1. Which of the following is the written permission granted by the Customs to allow the export goods to be loaded on board_____? (B)
A. entry inwards
B. entry outwardshttp://ks.examda.com
C. export license
D. outward export permit
2. Which of the following is the written permission granted by the Customs to allow the import goods to be unloaded on board_____? (A)
A. Entry Inwards
B. Entry Outwards
C. Export License
D. outward export permit
3. Which of the following is the written permission granted by the Customs to allow to bring any imports and loaded exports_____? (D)
A. Entry Inwards
B. Entry Outwards
C. Export License
D. Customs clearance
4. The costs of providing shipping services consist of_____. (A)
A. fixed and variable costs
B. raw materials and production costs
C. repair and maintenance expenses
D. insurance and administrative costs
5. When determining the freight rate, the age-old principle of “what the traffic can bear” is increasingly substituted by the _____ principle nowadays. (C)
A. open market rate
B. surcharges 来源:考试大
C. service cost
D. stowage factor
6. _____refers to the average number of cubic meters required to stow one ton of a commodity. (B)
A. adjustment factors
B. stowage factors
C. profit factor
D. market factors
编辑推荐:货代英语课后题及答案汇总 国际海上货物运输历年试题集锦 冲刺专题
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本文导航- 第1页:单选题及答案
- 第2页:多选题及答案
1. Which of the following do fixed costs involve? _____. (ACD)
A. costs of officer and crew
B. loading and unloading costs
C. repair and maintenance expenses
D. administrative costs
2. When determining the freight rate, which factors should be taken into account_____? (ABC)
A. adjustment factors
B. stowage factors
C. profit factor
D. market factors来源:考试大
3. Which of the following do variable costs involve? _____. (ABD)
A. port charge
B. loading and unloading costs
C. repair and maintenance expenses
D. costs of fuel
4. Which of the following statements are true about liner freight rates_____? (CD)
A. they fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand
B. liner freight rates are fixed by shipping conference and tramp service
C. they are more related to the costs of operation
D. freight forwarders are mainly concerned with liner freight rates
5. Which of the following statements are true _____? (BC)
A. tramp rates do not fluctuate with market conditions of supply and demand
B. liner freight rates remains comparatively steady over a period of time
C. fixed costs do not include fuel of cost
D. ocean freight rates may be broadly divided into container rates and liner freight rates
6. Which of the following statements are true about departure formalities_____? (ABD)
A. application for port clearance has to be made before the intended departure
B. application for port clearance has to be accompanied by the Export Manifest
C. export goods can be loaded on to the vessel before Entry Outwards given
D. A vessel which has loaded exports can leave the port only when port clearance is granted by the customs authorities.
7. Which of the following statements are true about customs clearance_____? (CD)
A. import cargo can be landed at any port
B. the customs authorities only inspect the goods imported physically
C. the customs authorities have powers to examine the goods imported
D. before permission is given to remove the goods out of customs control, the owner or agent is required to submit a bill of entry
编辑推荐:货代英语课后题及答案汇总 国际海上货物运输历年试题集锦 冲刺专题
货代应用:免费在线模考 最新资讯订阅,精彩资讯抢先看 你问我答