阅读碰到了法国二月革命那篇高频长阅读 考前看26篇还是很有用滴!!!! 填空有好多奇怪的词 能想起来的不多 有个什么xxx lady's role in public is_____: she is 出色的演员,外交官的老婆,很好的journalist还有一个什么角色 选项protean 和versatile 十分确定就选这俩 还给了pedistrian和其它p开头的长得很一样的词 还有一个是一个政治领导人 Despite clamouring in legisleture and among public for______, he's determined to_______loose the restriction exercised on new industrial development for his
愿望?to perserve nature. Although the conviction of his action is _______, 他的独断专行还是有点令公众不满之类的 第一空control, growth, decisiveness 第二空thawrt, 促进,reinforce 第三空respect, 后两个忘了 另一题是说一个audition,someone ___ any attempt to make a melody. Nothing more unpleasant was possible. 选项有warbling, conooing C开头低吟那个词不会拼 还有shrieking 我觉得有关系的就这三个了吧 是五选二 不知道该怎么选
阅读还有一个陨石里的Is什么物质和恐龙灭绝那篇短阅读 比较恐龙灭绝和250millons yr ago 两种 有两个题 有一个选mid-size meteorite 因为250那个I物质含量小 第二个题好像是寂静里的原题 还有碰到了黄河和Gantes river沿岸水土流失的逻辑题 大概是说水中带的泥沙和周围水土流失量是和drainage basin coverage什么成正比的 然后又说黄河水土流失的比例比Gantez River高得多since________ 选一个最合逻辑的 我选了因为黄河的basin coverages area much smaller than Gangtez river
其它都是比较短的阅读了 还有一个填空是说关于Top mgmt 一个人的书写的很____ Despite its___cover 全书基本都是____第一空忘记了 第二空insipid fawning onerous 第三空cynicsm hypotrial什么的 填空碰到不常见的词还有 business-like hands-off 还有一个说一个帐本之类的有很多____(stylistic infelicities, little errors, systematic generalizations), there are wrong data points(albeit___ points), 对不上的图标和title,还有很多什么什么错误 第二空选项有minor, numerous,还有什么忘了
数学的题也很奇怪。。(可能我考试的时候状态有点不正常) 遇到一个图是两个等腰三角形底边对底边拼起来的 一个腰是10 下面一个腰是8 然后告诉你它们共同的底边是16 还画了这两个三角形的顶点连线(其实就是这个四边形的竖着的对角线)问你四边形的面积 想了半天才发现中间那两个线应该是垂直的。。。所以可以算出另一个对角线的长 进而求出面积 答案是48+3*根号5貌似
还有一个大于11的质数p 比p大比2p小的质数的个数 和 2p/(p-1) (不确定后面这个写对了没有) 比大小 就是读题有点绕 本文导航
2,there is a revelation on every page, and xxx has exhibited (类似的词) the ____way best possible for this style: sweet,xxxxxx, xxx, funny, 选awkward
3, xxx, in order to emphasis the erect posture of his subject matter has startlingly contrasted it with the ____ of the trees in the windswept xxxx. 选list
4,news commentaries could not considered thorough logically. even though the conclusions are____ widely, there does not exist serious errors in reaching them. no one can ___ it of significant omissions, for which aspect news commentaries are____. 我选的是,condemned, contend, impeachable
5, 科技的发展不能___ rational analysis, internet user should not allow the data to ____ their own thought,第一个是diminish,第二个是supplant
6, that thinking of one entrepreneur xxxx, but the claim of everyone is an entrepreneur may lead the emphasis to____ the profits from collective business. 第一空忘了,第二空是underrate
7, the diseases doctors are pursuing are quite feared, having such a scary property of being both ___ and common that the incidence appears at random and____. 第一空unpredictable (或者类似意思的), 第二空 inevitable.
8, xxx's efforts to facilitate the ___ of xxx and xxx ⋯⋯blueprint of a final agreement. 选rapproachment, reconciliation
9, xxx is not an absolutist on the idea that truth has always to be told, in fact, she created examples where truth sometimes should be___; however, unlike others, xxx is seeking an unshakable principle, she believes that truth is a ___ thing, easy to squander, difficult to regain; truth is preserved in a sense of ___ xxxx. 第一空是 tempered, 第二空是precious,第三空是veracity
有一篇说红枫树比其他树长得快,一种观点是空气中二氧化碳密度增加,然后红枫树对这个很敏感~但是提出反驳别的树比如oak也对这个敏感,这个解释不太成立~最后的观点是鹿在夏天的时候会吃oak的种子,而夏天是oak发展最快的顶点,所以大大削弱oak的成长速度,而红枫树的种子鹿不喜欢,只在冬天吃红枫树的小树枝twig~题目大概是问哪个是红枫树的特点,选只有它能在young 和 mature age都生长~然后关于它的表述哪个是错误的,很简单=。=忘记具体内容了,只记得是c,而且a选项-oak长的比红枫树快,挺干扰的,但看到c就知道肯定是c了
长阅读有篇是讲历史学上对美国内战南方内部dissident的分析,宗旨题就是evolution of a particular area of history analysis吧=。=然后这个讲的就是之前历史学家都对这批unionist很忽视,后来才开始好好分析他们~
还有篇阅读是说什么population size of animals的=。=很短很短,基本忘记了
还有个是mass extinction的原因,科学家觉得250million years ago地球上有过mass extinction, 就像65 million years ago 那场让恐龙灭绝的一样~恐龙灭绝是因为一个meteriote撞击地球造成,证据是在地球上发现大量的irium-meteriote 的主要组成部分,而且这些iriuim是65 million years old的,然后地球上也有少量的irium是250 million years old的,confirm了mass extinction的假设,但是数量这么少有两个原因-这个流星比65的那个小;或者其实是彗星撞的,彗星的组成是冰物质,木有什么irium~
作文issue是in order to be effective, a public official should maintain the highest ethical and moral standard.
argument是一个房地产公司=。=?brown builders的老板建议学习dormus construction公司在房屋结构上使用 a large family room and a large, well-appointed kitchen,我没看过作文题号=。=细心的人可以找找
- 第1页:GRE机经回忆1
- 第2页:GRE机经回忆2
阅读碰到了法国二月革命那篇高频长阅读 考前看26篇还是很有用滴!!!! 填空有好多奇怪的词 能想起来的不多 有个什么xxx lady's role in public is_____: she is 出色的演员,外交官的老婆,很好的journalist还有一个什么角色 选项protean 和versatile 十分确定就选这俩 还给了pedistrian和其它p开头的长得很一样的词 还有一个是一个政治领导人 Despite clamouring in legisleture and among public for______, he's determined to_______loose the restriction exercised on new industrial development for his
愿望?to perserve nature. Although the conviction of his action is _______, 他的独断专行还是有点令公众不满之类的 第一空control, growth, decisiveness 第二空thawrt, 促进,reinforce 第三空respect, 后两个忘了 另一题是说一个audition,someone ___ any attempt to make a melody. Nothing more unpleasant was possible. 选项有warbling, conooing C开头低吟那个词不会拼 还有shrieking 我觉得有关系的就这三个了吧 是五选二 不知道该怎么选
阅读还有一个陨石里的Is什么物质和恐龙灭绝那篇短阅读 比较恐龙灭绝和250millons yr ago 两种 有两个题 有一个选mid-size meteorite 因为250那个I物质含量小 第二个题好像是寂静里的原题 还有碰到了黄河和Gantes river沿岸水土流失的逻辑题 大概是说水中带的泥沙和周围水土流失量是和drainage basin coverage什么成正比的 然后又说黄河水土流失的比例比Gantez River高得多since________ 选一个最合逻辑的 我选了因为黄河的basin coverages area much smaller than Gangtez river
其它都是比较短的阅读了 还有一个填空是说关于Top mgmt 一个人的书写的很____ Despite its___cover 全书基本都是____第一空忘记了 第二空insipid fawning onerous 第三空cynicsm hypotrial什么的 填空碰到不常见的词还有 business-like hands-off 还有一个说一个帐本之类的有很多____(stylistic infelicities, little errors, systematic generalizations), there are wrong data points(albeit___ points), 对不上的图标和title,还有很多什么什么错误 第二空选项有minor, numerous,还有什么忘了
数学的题也很奇怪。。(可能我考试的时候状态有点不正常) 遇到一个图是两个等腰三角形底边对底边拼起来的 一个腰是10 下面一个腰是8 然后告诉你它们共同的底边是16 还画了这两个三角形的顶点连线(其实就是这个四边形的竖着的对角线)问你四边形的面积 想了半天才发现中间那两个线应该是垂直的。。。所以可以算出另一个对角线的长 进而求出面积 答案是48+3*根号5貌似
还有一个大于11的质数p 比p大比2p小的质数的个数 和 2p/(p-1) (不确定后面这个写对了没有) 比大小 就是读题有点绕 本文导航
- 第1页:GRE机经回忆1
- 第2页:GRE机经回忆2
2,there is a revelation on every page, and xxx has exhibited (类似的词) the ____way best possible for this style: sweet,xxxxxx, xxx, funny, 选awkward
3, xxx, in order to emphasis the erect posture of his subject matter has startlingly contrasted it with the ____ of the trees in the windswept xxxx. 选list
4,news commentaries could not considered thorough logically. even though the conclusions are____ widely, there does not exist serious errors in reaching them. no one can ___ it of significant omissions, for which aspect news commentaries are____. 我选的是,condemned, contend, impeachable
5, 科技的发展不能___ rational analysis, internet user should not allow the data to ____ their own thought,第一个是diminish,第二个是supplant
6, that thinking of one entrepreneur xxxx, but the claim of everyone is an entrepreneur may lead the emphasis to____ the profits from collective business. 第一空忘了,第二空是underrate
7, the diseases doctors are pursuing are quite feared, having such a scary property of being both ___ and common that the incidence appears at random and____. 第一空unpredictable (或者类似意思的), 第二空 inevitable.
8, xxx's efforts to facilitate the ___ of xxx and xxx ⋯⋯blueprint of a final agreement. 选rapproachment, reconciliation
9, xxx is not an absolutist on the idea that truth has always to be told, in fact, she created examples where truth sometimes should be___; however, unlike others, xxx is seeking an unshakable principle, she believes that truth is a ___ thing, easy to squander, difficult to regain; truth is preserved in a sense of ___ xxxx. 第一空是 tempered, 第二空是precious,第三空是veracity
有一篇说红枫树比其他树长得快,一种观点是空气中二氧化碳密度增加,然后红枫树对这个很敏感~但是提出反驳别的树比如oak也对这个敏感,这个解释不太成立~最后的观点是鹿在夏天的时候会吃oak的种子,而夏天是oak发展最快的顶点,所以大大削弱oak的成长速度,而红枫树的种子鹿不喜欢,只在冬天吃红枫树的小树枝twig~题目大概是问哪个是红枫树的特点,选只有它能在young 和 mature age都生长~然后关于它的表述哪个是错误的,很简单=。=忘记具体内容了,只记得是c,而且a选项-oak长的比红枫树快,挺干扰的,但看到c就知道肯定是c了
长阅读有篇是讲历史学上对美国内战南方内部dissident的分析,宗旨题就是evolution of a particular area of history analysis吧=。=然后这个讲的就是之前历史学家都对这批unionist很忽视,后来才开始好好分析他们~
还有篇阅读是说什么population size of animals的=。=很短很短,基本忘记了
还有个是mass extinction的原因,科学家觉得250million years ago地球上有过mass extinction, 就像65 million years ago 那场让恐龙灭绝的一样~恐龙灭绝是因为一个meteriote撞击地球造成,证据是在地球上发现大量的irium-meteriote 的主要组成部分,而且这些iriuim是65 million years old的,然后地球上也有少量的irium是250 million years old的,confirm了mass extinction的假设,但是数量这么少有两个原因-这个流星比65的那个小;或者其实是彗星撞的,彗星的组成是冰物质,木有什么irium~
作文issue是in order to be effective, a public official should maintain the highest ethical and moral standard.
argument是一个房地产公司=。=?brown builders的老板建议学习dormus construction公司在房屋结构上使用 a large family room and a large, well-appointed kitchen,我没看过作文题号=。=细心的人可以找找